Applying for a Community Grant

Funded projects take place for the benefit of residents of the region of Lennox and Addington. Community Grants are only available to organizations possessing a registered charity number issued by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), or to not-for-profit organizations that are sponsored by a local registered charity.

Please follow these guidelines when applying:

We are dedicated to improving the quality of life in Lennox & Addington County through the creation and management of funds, gifted in perpetuity, and the distribution of their earnings for charitable purposes including social services, arts and culture, health, education, recreation, environment, youth and seniors.

You are eligible if your organization supports CFFLA initiatives and possesses a charitable registration number from the Canada Revenue Agency.

Applications for grants are received by the Foundation from various non-profit community organizations. Requests are reviewed by the Grant Making Committee and considered against the requirements of the various funds.

Additional Things to Note:

  • Incomplete or late filed applications will not be considered.  If you have any questions about or difficulty in preparing an application, please call or visit the Foundation office for assistance.

  • Applicants who are not a registered charity must have their application sponsored by another organization (including a municipality) that is a registered Canadian charity. Their application must be accompanied by a completed Sponsorship Agreement Appendix A (at the end of the application).

  • Applications that in any way relate to or may involve a school must be accompanied by a Letter of Permission from the governing School Board.

  • Applications must be signed by an authorized officer of the applicant organization.

  • Successful applicants MUST complete a Grant Evaluation Report on or before December 31, 2024. A member of the Foundation will be assigned to ensure compliance with this mandatory report.  Non-compliance will bar the applicant from future participation in the Community Grants Program.

  • Projects that are not completed within the provided timelines will be subject to review and may result in a request for returned funds.

Community Grants and evaluations

View all of our grant opportunities.