Bath Public School, Good Start Breakfast Program
Big Brothers/Big Sister of KFL&A, Accessible Rural Mentoring Programs
Boys and Girls Club of Kingston & Area, Expanded Summer Camps in Napanee
Cloyne & District Historical Society
Conway United Church, McDowall Cemetery
Diabetes Canada, D-Camps-Camp Huronda
Family and Children’s Services RKY Camp, Sponsoring a youth the attend camp
Friends of St. Alban’s Adolphustown, Audio-Visual Enhancements to Support Community Events
The Greater Napanee Gymnastics Club, Purchase of gymnastics equipment designed for young gymnasts and children with disabilities
Hospice Lennox & Addington, Capacity Building: Volunteer Recruitment, training, engagement and community resources and education
KFL&A Public Health, Dental Treatment Assistance Fund
Lennox & Addington County General Hospital Foundation, LACGH MRI
Lionhearts Inc., Food Rescue and Community Nutrition
MADD Canada, 2023-2024 School Program
Morningstar Relief Mission Inc., Warming Centre Critical Supports
Napanee Area Community Health Centre, Lennox & Addington Youth Engagement/Hub Services
Napanee Area Community Health Centre, Lennox & Addington Operation Warm Toes and Back to School Campaign
NDSS – School-to-Community Program, Arts & Crafts Supplies
North Addington Education Centre, Connecting Vikings Welcome Package
Riverside United Church, Food Security Program
Rotary Club of Napanee
Scientists in School, Bringing Equitable STEM Enrichment to Under-Served to Communities in Lennox & Addington
St. Mary Madgalene Anglican Church Napanee, Harmony Connects Lounge and Music Club
Selby United Church, Mom and Babies Playgroup
United Empire Loyalists, Rebuild of Hagerman’s Historical Apple Wharf
Village Green Long Term Care Facility, Residents’ Council
Friends of Wilton Creek, Watershed Outreach Project
Hospice L&A, Activity Kits and Comfort Kits
Kidney Foundation of Canada, Short Term Financial Assistance
Kingston Literacy and Skills, Community Engagement Project
Kingston Pregnancy Centre, The Fueling Station
Land O’Lakes Emmanuel Pastoral Charge, New Coffee Maker
Lennox Community Theatre, Replace Air Conditioner
Lions Club of Land O’Lakes, Cookware for Emergency Preparedness
Morningstar Relief Mission Inc., Morningstar’s Furniture Program
Napanee Area Community Health Centre L&A Poverty Reduction Committee, Operation Warm Toes and Back to School Campaign
Napanee Area Community Health Centre, L&A Youth Engagement/Hub Services
NDSS, Student Success for At-Risk Students
NDSS, NDSS Wellness Team Peer Training
School-to-Community Program, Arts and Craft Supplies
North Addington Education Centre, Connecting Vikings Welcome Package
Paddle it Forward, SUP Youth Programs
Riverside United Church, Yarker Community Food Voucher/Sharing Program
The Greater Napanee Gymnastics Club, Purchase of a Balance Beam
United Empire Loyalist Heritage Park, Annual Heritage Festival/Thunder on the Reach & Loyalist Landing
Salvation Army
Hospice Lennox & Addington
Project Title: Child & Youth Bereavement Resources
Project funded by: The Wartman Fund, The Hogarth Family Fund. (Grant: $1,600)
Lennox & Addington Seniors Outreach Services
Project Title: Seniors Centre Without Walls
Project funded by: Friends of the Foundation Fund, The Hogarth Family Fund. (Grant $3,500)
Napanee District School to Community
Project Title: Art Supplies
Project funded by: McKeown and Wood Fund, Tom Thompson Music Fund (Grant $1,500)
Morningstar Relief Mission
Project Title: Warming Centre Infrastructure
Project funded by: The Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $5,330)
Napanee Area Community Health Centre
Project Title: L & A Youth Engagement / Hub Services
Project funded by: Pioneer Petroleum’s Fund, The Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $3,000)
Conway United Church
Project Title: McDowell Cemetery
Project funded by: McDowell Cemetery Fund (Grant $360)
Big Brothers / Big Sister Kingston, Frontenac Lennox & Addington
Project funded by: Dorothy Grace Bell Fund (Grant $1,760)
Family & Children’s Services, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington
Project funded by: Streek Family Fund (Grant $4,784)
Rotary Club of Napanee
Project funded by: Webster Family Fund (Grant $365)
Village Green Long-Term Care Facility
Project funded by: Dorothy Fretts Memorial Fund (Grant $350)
Cloyne & District Historical Society
Project funded by: CDHS Endowment Fund (Grant $3,350)
Napanee Area Community Health Centre for the L & A Poverty Reduction Committee
Project Title: Operation Warm Toes & Back to School Campaign
Project funded by: The Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $5,000)
The Lennox & Addington Historical Society
Project Title: Lennox & Addinton Historical Society
Project funded by: The Lennox & Addington Historical Society Fund (Grant $3,450)
NDSS – Healthy Active Living Department
Project Title: NDSS Activity Room Upgrade
Project Funded by: The Harry & June Thompson Memorial Fund, The Whitehead Fund, The Sutton Fund,The Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $5,000)
NDSS – School to Community Project
Project Title: Arts & Crafts Supplies for School-to-Community-Program
Project funded by: The McKeown and Wood Fund, The Tom Thompson Music Fund, The Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $1,500)
Nature Conservancy Canada
Project Title: Caring for the Camden East Alvar: Restoration Event and Boundary Securement
Project funded by: The Bruce Medd Environmental, The Ernestown Wind Park Fund, The Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $1,000)
North Addington Education Centre
Project Title: Connecting Vikings Welcome Package
Project funded by: The Ontario Endowment For Children and Youth in Recreation Fund (Grant $9,250)
North Addington Education Centre
Project Title: Community Construction – Indigenous Garden Kiosk
Project funded by: The Mazinaw Fund (Grant $7,500)
Scientists in School
Project Title: Advancing STEM Enrichment for Children & Youth
Project funded by: The Hogarth Family Fund. (Grant $2,500)
The Greater Napanee Gymnastics Club sponsored by Napanee Rotary Club
Project Title: Vaulting Table
Project funded by: The Napanee District General Community Fund, The Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $5000)
United Empire Loyalists Heritage Park
Project Title: Annual Heritage Festival / 2022 School of the Sailor 1792 – 1815
Project funded by: The Town of Greater Napanee Fund, The Doornekamp Family Fund, The Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $3,000)
Diabetes Canada
Project Title: Virtual Diabetes Touch Points and Camp for Children, Youth and Families Living with Type 1 Diabetes from Lennox & Addington
Project funded by: The Ontario Children and Youth Funds, The Napanee District General Community Fund Fund. (Grant: $3,565)
Easter Seals Ontario
Project Title: Equipment Purchase Program
Project funded by: The Ontario Endowment for Children and Youth Fund (Grant $5,000)
Friends of St. Albans, Adolpustown
Project Title: Electrical System Upgrade
Project funded by: The Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $5,000)
Hospice Lennox & Addington
Project Title: Caregiver Support Program
Project funded by: The Napanee General Community Fund, The Wartman Fund, The Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $3,000)
Lions Club of Land O’Lakes sponsored by the Cloyne & District Historical Society
Project Title: Equipment Purchase
Project funded by: The Mazinaw Fund (Grant $2,000)
Conway United Church
Project Title: McDowell Cemetery
Project funded by: McDowell Cemetery Fund (Grant $360)
Big Brothers / Big Sister Kingston, Frontenac Lennox & Addington
Project Title: Summer Programming
Project funded by: Dorothy Grace Bell Fund (Grant $1,500)
Family & Children’s Services, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington
Project funded by: Streek Family Fund (Grant $4,800)
Lennox & Addington Seniors Outreach Services
Project funded by: Webster Family Fund (Grant $368)
Friendly Manor
Project funded by: Dorothy Fretts Memorial Fund (Grant $350)
Cloyne & District Historical Society
Project funded by: The Cloyne & District Historical Society Endowment Fund (Grant $3,275)
Lennox & Addington Historical Society
Project funded by: The Lennox & Addington Historical Society Endowment Fund (Grant $3,100)
Morningstar Relief Mission
Project Title: Covid County Response: Meal Preparaton and Delivery Project
Project funded by: The Barry Roantree Fund, The Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $5,210)
NDSS – School to Community Program
Project Title: Arts and Crafts Supplies
Project funded by: The Tom Thompson Fund, The McKeown & Wood Fund, The Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $1,500)
North Addington Education Centre
Project Title: Welcome Package, Grade Nine Chromebook Pilot Project
Project Funded by: The Mazinaw Fund, The Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $6,000)
Royal Canadian Legion (Branch 137)
Project Title: Honour our Veterans Banner Program
Project funded by: The Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $3,500)
Scientists in School
Project Title: Virtual STEM enrichment for Children & Youth in Lennox & Addington program
Project funded by: The Bruce Medd Environmental Fund, The Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $2,300)
The Napanee Gymnastics Club sponsored by Rotary Club of Napanee
Project Title: Equipment Purchase
Project funded by: The Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $4,500)
The Salvation Army
Project Title: Project Healthy Homes – Pilot Project
Project funded by: The Pioneer Petroleum Fund, The Harry And June Thompson Memorial Fund, The Town of Greater Napanee Fund, The Friends of the Foundation Fund, The Hogarth Family Fund, The NDCF Operations Endowment Fund (Grant $3,325)
Nature Conservancy of Canada
Project Title: Caring for Camden East Alvar, (Year Three)
Project funded by: The Ernestown Windpark Fund, The Hogarth Family Fund, The Whitehead Fund, The Sutton Fund. (Grant $2,616)
Mazinaw Lake Swim Program – Land O’Lakes Community Services
Project Title: Space and equipment enhancement
Project funded by: The Mazinaw Fund (Grant $3,900)
Lennox & Addington County General Hospital Foundation
Project Title: Feasibility Study or expansion of LTC beds
Project Funded by: The Community Foundation for Lennox & Addington (Grant $10,000)
Lakelands Family Health Team and the Township of Addington Highlands
Project Title: Emergency Back-Up Generators Project
Project Funded by: The Mazinaw Flow Through Fund (Grant: $60,000)
Easter Seals, Ontario
Project Title: Equipment Funding Program
Project funded by: Ontario Children and Youth Funds, NDC General Fund and Hogarth Family Fund. (Grant: $5,000)
Limestone Learning Foundation
Project Title: Climate Action Initiative
Project funded by: Mazinaw Fund, Bruce Medd Environmental Fund, Wartman Family Fund, Whitehead Fund, Sutton Fund, Friends of the Foundation Fund, Ernestown Windpark Fund, Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $5,000)
Napanee District School to Community
Project Title: Art Supplies
Project funded by: McKeown and Wood Fund, Tom Thompson Music Fund (Grant $2,000)
North Addington Education Centre
Project Title: ManUp Conference
Project funded by: Mazinaw Fund (Grant $2,500)
Rotary Club of Napanee / Napanee Gymnastics Club
Project Title: Equipment Purchase
Project funded by: Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $5,000)
Conway United Church
Project Title: McDowell Cemetery
Project funded by: McDowell Cemetery Fund (Grant $370)
Big Brothers / Big Sister Kingston, Frontenac Lennox & Addington
Project Title: Summer Programming
Project funded by: Dorothy Grace Bell Fund (Grant $1,200)
Family & Children’s Services, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington
Project funded by: Streek Family Fund (Grant $4,900)
Rotary Club of Napanee
Project funded by: Webster Family Fund (Grant $378)
Village Green Long-Term Care Facility
Project funded by: Dorothy Fretts Memorial Fund (Grant $356)
Cloyne & District Historical Society
Project funded by: CDHS Endowment Fund (Grant $3,177)
Canadian Diabetes Association
Project Title: Virtual Camp and Summer Activities
Project funded by: Ontario Children and Youth Fund (Grant $5,000)
Hospice L&A
Project Title: Replenishment of Supplies
Project funded by: Wartman Family Fund, Pioneer Energy Fund, Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $3,000)
Land O’Lakes Community Services
Project Title: Re-useable Containers for Meals on Wheels
Project Funded by: Mazinaw Fund, Pioneer Energy Fund, Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $4,800)
Nature Conservancy of Canada
Project Title: Trails Proect for Camden East Alvar
Project funded by: Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $3,000)
Land O’Lakes Pastoral Charge of the United Church of Canada
Project Title: Renovation of Community Classroom Space
Project funded by: Mazinaw Fund, Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $5,000)
Lennox & Addington 4-H Goat Club
Project Title: Virtual Goat Club
Project funded by: Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $600)
L&A Special Olympics
Project Title: Special Olympic Teams
Project funded by: Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $3,000)
Napanee Area Community Health Centre
Project Title: Operation Warm Toes
Project funded by: Hogarth Family Fund, NDC General Fund (Grant $3,000)
Project Title: L&A Youth Hub Transportation
Project funded by: Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $4,000)
Osteoporosis Canada
Project Title: Workshop
Project funded by: Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $500)
Big Brothers / Big Sisters, Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington
Project funded by: Dorothy Grace Bell Fund (Grant $1,100)
Diabetes Canada
Project Title: Investing in Our Future: Health, Education for Children and Youth with Type 1 Diabetes from Lennox and Addington
Project funded by: Ontario Endowment for Children and Youth (Grant $2,000)
Easter Seals Ontario
Project Title: Send A Kid to Camp
Project funded by: Ontario Endowment for Children and Youth (Grant $5,000)
Family and Children’s Services of Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington
Project Title: Bursaries Project
Project funded by: Streek Family Fund (Grant $5,035)
Friendly Manor Nursing Home
Project funded by: Dorothy B. Fretts Memorial Fund (Grant $290)
Friends of the Salmon River
Project Title: Friends of the Salmon River Permanent Public Information Sign at Roblin
Project funded by: Bruce Medd Environmental Fund and Whitehead Fund (Grant $846)
Hospice L&A
Project Title: Equipment Loan Cupboard Update
Project funded by: Wartman Family Fund and Napanee General Community Fund (Grant $3,601)
Kaladar Community Club
Project Title: New Furnace
Project funded by: Mazinaw Community Fund and Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $5,500)
Lennox & Addington Federation of Agriculture
Project Title: The L&A Farmer Wellness Program
Project funded by: Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $12,500)
Lennox & Addington 4-H Goat Club
Project Title: L&A 4-H Goat Club
Project funded by: Friends of the Foundation and Sutton Fund (Grant $600)
Lennox & Addington Seniors Outreach Services
Project funded by: Webster Family Fund (Grant $380)
Lennox and Addington Special Olympics Association
Project Title: Maintaining L&A Special Olympics Sports Teams
Project funded by: Friends of the Foundation, Harry and June Thompson Memorial Fund, Hogarth Family Fund and Pioneer Energy Fund (Grant $2,500)
McDowall Cemetery
Project funded by: McDowall Cemetery Fund (Grant $370)
Napanee District Secondary School to Community Program
Project Title: School to Community Arts & Crafts Supplies
Project Funded by: Hogarth Family Fund, McKeown and Wood Fund, Ontario Endowment for Children and Youth Fund and Tom Thompson Music Fund (Grant $1,500)
Nature Conservancy of Canada
Project Title: Caring for Camden East Alvar
Project funded by: Friends of the Foundation and Napanee General Community Fund (Grant $5,613)
Retired Teachers of Ontario (Napanee Branch)
Project Title: Tales and Tunes for Tots
Project funded by: Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $2,500)
Sandy Pines Wildlife Centre
Project Title: Aquatic Centre
Project funded by: Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $6,613)
The Greater Napanee Gymnastics Club
Project Title: Purchase of New Kindergym Equipment and new shaped block-type equipment for spotting and teaching new gymnastic skills
Project funded by: Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $3,000)
Amherst Island Community Café (The Back Kitchen)
Project Title: Accessibility Ramp
Project funded by: Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $6,000)
Easter Seals Ontario
Project Title: Send a Kid to Camp, to be used to send two Easter Seals Children residing in Greater Napanee to Camp Merrywood
Project funded by: Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $5,000)
Hospice Lennox & Addington
Project Title: Mobile Bereavement Boxes – Resources for Children & Youth
Project funded by: Wartman Family Fund and Napanee General Community Fund (Grant $1,200)
Kingston Community Health Centres
Project Title: Free Dental Clinic for Low-Income Adults in Napanee
Project funded by: Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $2,500)
Land O’Lakes Pine Meadow Nursing Home
Project Title: Pleasurable Dining – to be used for the purchase of two adjustable tables for their dining room
Project funded by: Mazinaw Community Fund (Grant $3,000)
Land O’Lakes Lions Club
Project Title: Garden and Rest Area
Project funded by: Ontario Mazinaw Community Fund, Napanee General Community Fund, Bruce Medd Environmental Fund (Grant $3,000)
Lennox & Addington Cornerstone Christian Academy
Project Title: Community Fitness Project – to purchase and secure soccer nets
Project funded by: Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $3,000)
Lennox & Addington Special Olympics
Project Title: Hosting Special Olympics Floor Hockey Qualifier
Project funded by: Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $2,500)
Napanee District Secondary School – School to Community Program
Project Title: School to Community Arts and Craft Supplies
Project funded by: Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $2,000)
Napanee Secondary School – Student Success
Project Title: Assistive Technology for equipment purchase to increase access to Google Read and Write software
Project funded by: Ontario Endowment for Children and Youth Fund (Grant $3,700)
Old Hay Bay Church
Project Title: Media Expansion to Encourage Visitors
Project funded by: Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $2,000)
Project Title: Circle of Friends Performing Arts
Project funded by: McKeown & Wood Fund, Tom Thompson Music Fund and Napanee General Community Fund (Grant $1,500)
St. John’s Community Hall
Project Title: Main Hall Lighting
Project funded by: Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $5,800)
The Corporation of Loyalist Township
Project Title: Bath Rocks on Canada Day
Project funded by: Pioneer Energy Fund, Hogarth Family Fund, Friends of the Foundation Fund, Napanee General Community Fund and the Sutton Fund (Grant $2,500)
The Greater Napanee Gymnastics Club
Project Title: Acquisition of a “Tumbl Trak”
Project Funded by: Hogarth Family Fund (Grant $3,000)
The Knitting Elves
Project Title: Knitting Elves Christmas Baskets 2018
Project funded by: Harry and June Thompson Memorial Fund, Napanee General Community Fund (Grant $500)
Township of Stone Mills
Project Title: “Septemberfest” Community Celebration Event
Project funded by: Pioneer Energy Fund, Hogarth Family Fund, Napanee General Community Fund, Whitehead Fund (Grant $2,500)
Amherst Island Community Café
Toward operating costs
Grant: $3,160
Big Brothers Big Sisters Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington
Toward its “Napanee School-Based Mentoring Expansion” program
Grant: $4,700
Canadian Diabetes Association
Toward its “Camp Banting:Needs Your Support” program (send a child within Lennox and Addington to a one-week session at Camp Banting) and the “Camp Banting Leadership Development Program”
Grant: $2,300
Canadian National Institute for the Blind
Toward increasing well-being for those living blind or partially sighted in Lennox & Addington
Grant: $2,000
Gibson Family Health Care Charitable Foundation
To help purchase specialized medical equipment to enhance residents’ quality-of-life as well as accomodate their unique medical needs
Grant: $1,000
Greater Napanee Soccer Club
Toward the purchase of equipment for its “Safe Places to Play” ptogram
Grant: $1,000
640 Hastings & Prince Edward Army Cadets (Cloyne)
Toward the purchase of snowshoes and cross-country ski equipment for Cadet winter training
Grant: $2,500
Hospice Lennox and Addington
Toward its “Increase Capacity to Provide Bereavement Support within out Community” program. – offering a bereavement facilitation training workshop, to eight-week bereavement support group sessions, and purchasing resources for clients
Grant: $3,000
Lennox and Addington Bike Shop Partnered with Napanee & District Civitan Club
Toward the purchase of tools, safety equipment, and parts needed to repair and maintain bicycles
Grant: #2,500
Kingston Community Health Centres
Toward the purchase of supplies for its “Napanee Chill Zone” program
Grant: $2,000
Lennox and Addington Special Olympics Association
Toward funding a Special Olympic Swim Program for local athletes
Grant: $3,500
Lennox and Addington Stewardship Council
Toward the purchase of 10 Monarch breeding kits in support of “The Monarch Breeding Kits for Schools Project”
Grant: $1,000
Morning Star Mission Relief Mission Inc.
Toward its “The Poverty Challenge” program (providing free hot meals and other outreach programs to families and individuals living in poverty)
Grant: $1,000
Toward funding its “Circle of Friends – Napanee” initiative
Grant: $2,500
School to Community Program at Napanee District Secondary School
Toward the purchase of supplies for its “School to Community Arts & Crafts Supplies” program
Grant: $1,500
Selby Public School
Toward the purchase of two stationary “Brain” bikes in support of its “Sparks Fly (Brain) Bikes” program
Grant: $1,500
The Greater Napanee Gymnastics Club
Toward the purchase of a set of F.I.G. (competitive) Level Uneven Parallel Bars
Grant: $3,000
The Salvation Army Thrift Store
Toward sending six children to “The Salvation Army Ontario Adventure Camp”
Grant: $2,000
Adolphustown-Fredericksburg Heritage Society
Project Title: Cemeteries Signs Pilot Project
Grant: $655
Amherst Island Community Café (The Back Kitchen)
To be used towards the purchase of gas range, three-compartment sink, rotary toaster, grease trap, and materials to build accessability ramp
Grant: $5000
Canadian Diabetes Association
To be used to support local children and youth so that they can attend camp Banting
Grant: $2000
Canadian National Institute for the Blind
To be used to help seniors with vision loss from Lennox and Addington by providing a net of social support
Grant: $2000
Easter Seals Ontario
To send an Easter Seals child residing in Greater Napanee to Camp Merrywood
Grant: $2500
Epilepsy Southeastern Ontario
Project: Lennox and Addington Community Education Program
Grant: $1000
Greater Napanee Gymnastics Club
For the purchase of multipurpose safety spotting equipment
Grant: $3000
Hospice Lennox & Addington
To be used for capacity building – volunteer recruitment, training, and engagement
Grant: $3000
Kingston Community Health Centres
To be used for The Napanee “Chill Zone”
Grant: $2500
Kingston Community Health Centres
To be used towards the cost of a dentist for two of the free dental clinic days in their dental office at Napanee & Area Community Health Centre
Grant: $2000
Land o’ Lakes Lions Club
To be used for their Youth Drop in Program Enhancement project
Grant: $3400
Lennox & Addington Special Olympics
To be used to maintain Lennox & Addington Special Olympics athlete participation/sports teams
Grant: $3500
Lennox & Addington Stewardship Council
To be used toward the purchase of their Monarch Breeding Kits for Schools Project
Grant: $500
Morning Star Relief Mission Inc.
To be used for their Accessibility Phase 2 (accessible washroom) project
Grant: $5000
School to Community at Napanee District Secondary School
To be used towards the purchase of art and craft supplies for the School to Community Program at Napanee District Secondary School
Grant: $1500
Retired Women Teachers of Ontario
To be used towards the purchase of supplies for early literacy learning kits for their Tales and Tunes for Tots program in Lennox and Addington
Grant: $2000
Scouts Canada
To be used towards their Pinewood Car Rally Track upgrade
Grant: $1000
Waterside Summer Series Music Festival
To be used for their project “Celebrate Canada’s 150th with Elora Singer’s ‘O Canada! Joyfully Sing!” concert and to promote the Waterside Summer Series Music Festival
Grant: $3000
640 Army Cadets (Cloyne)
Project Title: Canoe Program
This is a continuation from last year’s program where youth from the Cloyne area, belonging to the 640 Army Cadets, were provided with canoes and equipment for adventure training.
Project Funded by: The Wartman Fund, The Hogarth Family Fund and NDCF General Fund ($1,500)
Canadian Diabetes Association
Project Title: Camp Banting
The funding provided will allow four local children with Type 1 Diabetes to attend Camp Banting, learning the importance of a healthy lifestyle including proper nutrition and physical activity.
Project Funded by: The Dorothy Grace Bell Fund, The Tom Thompson Fund and The Hogarth Family Fund ($1,200)
Hospice L&A
Project Title: Palliative Care Training
Funds were provided for palliative care training.
Project Funded By: The Hogarth Family Fund ($2,000)
J.J. O’Neill Catholic School
Project Title: Student Exchange to Castor, Alberta Program
Funds were provided for the Napanee portion of the student exchange for Alberta students.
Project Funded By: Friends of the Foundation Fund and The Hogarth Family Fund ($650)
Land O’Lakes Community Services
Project Title: Connecting Communities and Creating Opportunities
The funds provided will allow up to 10 of Land O’Lakes Community Services’ developmentally challenged adult clients to visit Constructive Opportunities for Progressive Employee and to participate in some of their organized social events.
Project Funded By: The Mazinaw Community Fund ($1,785)
Morning Star Relief Mission
Project Title: Accessible Ramp at Side Door
Funds were provided to help with the costs of building an accessible ramp to the basement at the Morning Star Mission facility.
Project Funded By: The Hogarth Family Fund ($5,000)
Napanee Lions Club
Project Title: Message in a Bottle
The project makes it possible to ensure that a person’s medical information (which is stored in a vial which is kept in the refrigerator) is available to first responders who arrive at a home in an emergency situation.
Project Funded By: The Hogarth Family Fund and the Pioneer Petroleum Fund ($645)
Newburgh – Camden Lions Club
Project Title: Camden Centennial Park Playground, Phase 2
The funds are going towards the Youth Playground at Camden Centennial Lions Park. The Lions Club wishes to provide an interesting and inviting setting for physical activity in a safe environment.
Project Funded By: NDCF General Fund and The McKeown and Wood Fund ($2,500)
North Addington Education Centre
Project Title: Packs and Barrels to Support Outdoor Education at NAEC
The funds provided will be used to purchase 15, 90 L packs and three food barrels to be used for the school’s canoe and camping trips.
Project Funded By: The Ontario Endowment for Children and Youth Fund #1 ($4,000)
Sandy Pines Wildlife Centre
Project Title: Ontario Turtle Conservation and Rehabilitation
The Sandy Pines Wildlife Centre has been in operation for 16 years. It is located in Napanee, Ontario, Canada. The mandate of the facility is to help all injured and orphaned wildlife, both mammals and birds and release them back into the wild. The Centre also gives advice and assistance to property owners who are having problems with their wild animal neighbours and can offer humane alternatives to solve these conflicts. They work closely with the Napanee Humane Society. The funds will go towards turtle conservation and rehabiliation.
Project Funded by: The Pioneer Petroleum Fund, The Bruce Medd Enviornmental Fund and The Hogarth Family Fund ($2,000)
The Prince Charles School
Project Title: Sparks Fly (Brain) Bikes
The funds will be used to purchase three bikes to help children in a classroom self regulate. Having bikes in the classroom has helped reduce out-of-class time and has allowed children to continue to participate in the lesson.
Project Funded By: The Ontario Endowment for Children and Youth Fund #1, The Ontario Endowment for Chidlren and Youth Fund #2 and The Hogarth Family Fund ($1,800)
The Napanee Salvation Army
Project Title: The Poverty Reduction – Backpack & Operation Warm Toe Campaigns
The funds provided will be used towards the purchase of school back packs to provide children and youth with the supplies necessary to function at school efficiently over the course of the school year and the Operation Warm Toes winter boot program provides children and youth with boots to keep warm throughout the winter season.
Project Funded By: The Hogarth Family Fund ($2,500)
Seniors Outreach Service
Project Title: Seniors Outreach Service
Funds provided by The Webster Fund will be used by Seniors Outreach Service.
Project Funded By: The Webster Fund ($185)
Family & Children’s Services of Frontenac, Lennox & Addington
Project Title: The Frank Streek Scholarship Fund
The Streek Family Fund provides annual earnings to The Frank Streek Scholarship Fund administered by Family and Children’s Services of Frontenac, L&A.
Project Funded By: The Streek Family Fund ($3,350)
Lennox & Addington County General Hospital
Project Title: Cardiac Rehab Program
The funds provided will be used for the Cardiac Rehab program to enhance the treatment of the many participants.
Project Funded by: The Hogarth Family Fund, The Sutton Fund, and The Whitehead Fund ($1,075)