Hunger in our Community
We want to bring awareness to hunger within our community.
Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.
Many households in Lennox & Addington struggle with food insecurity. About 8% of households in Ontario are moderately to severely food insecure.
Food banks are one of the ways through which we can fight hunger.
Every day, many food banks in Lennox & Addington work with their communities to acquire the food required to support those in need through donations and purchases. In March 2019 alone, 150 households in Lennox & Addington used foodbank services.
Ending hunger is the second of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. We want to have conversations with you about ending hunger in our community and we would love to hear your story.
Also, have you heard about our progressive euchre tournament ‘Let’s Euchre Hunger!’ on August 17th? All net proceeds will be in the benefit of The Morningstar Mission. Check out or Facebook event page for more information and also tell your friends! We hope to see you there.